The Ludomorph

The Creation Myth

First there was nothingness and chaos.
Eventually, as particles and light began to take shape, the lighter particles floated up to form the Heavenly Breezes.
The heavier particles, incapable of flying, created the world in which we live today.

Along with heaven, many deities were born.
One particular day, two of those deities, Our Father and Mother, were told to create land.
As they walked through the bridge connecting the heavens to the material plane, they found the place covered in unholy water.
Truth is, “deities” were born outside the Heavenly Breezes as well.
And they were spiteful of their siblings, being the ones lucky enough to ascend.
Their own rejected world was composed of filthy water and full of dark, corrupt energy.

Unable to communicate with their counterparts, the two good deities decided to simply coexist with them so as to not cause trouble.
They fulfilled their task and created islands across the endless ocean.
These islands served as their new home, and the home of their children and all other forms of life that were created by their good will.

Being born near corruption, the children were able to understand the beings within the sea.
They told the parenting deities about voices beckoning them to the water, but were told that there was no such thing and that it should be ignored.
Their last child, however, did not heed their warnings.

Corrupted by the spiteful energy of the sea, he was convinced to bathe in its waters to commune with the demonic forces.
Returning as a changed being, he murdered Our Mother using the powers given by her.
Our Father, enraged, cut him into eight pieces which were used to seal the corrupt energy within the waters.
From the mother’s body, a few more deities were born.
From the father’s tears, a few more deities were born.
From the son’s body parts, a few more demons were born.

As beings lived on the island, they perished as well.
It is no wonder a world for the dead existed, regardless of whether it was intentionally created or not.
Our Father decided to seek Our Mother, hoping to bring her back to life. But it was too late.
Our Mother, being the oldest within the world of the dead, took the spot as the new ruler.
Death Herself.

Coming back from the world of the dead traumatized, Our Father cleansed himself, which led to more deities being born.
These new deities, beloved yet not as mature as the rest of the family, bickered with each other.
Such constant fighting led to chaos within the world.
During this, the seals protecting the world from the sea’s corruption were becoming weakened.

By the time they all made peace, it was too late.
The demons in the sea are awake.
Their beckoning is heard by all deities and spirits born within our land.
Smaller, weaker spirits are being driven towards the sea, inevitably becoming corrupted and causing the sea level to rise a small amount every day.
Demons, hoping to take their revenge, are spreading their corruption as far as they can within the land and even the skies.
Deities, hoping to somehow seal these demons back, have been gathering forces from mortals to cull the corrupt ones.
Witches, hoping to gather strength from the corruption, have started to live in boats or towers inside the most corrupt areas.
Merchants, hearing about new treasures being found underwater, have started taking ships and paying adventurers to risk their lives.
Fishers, having to survive in the dangerous and corrupt ocean, worship the Archfiends while begging for mercy.
Villagers, having just survived an era of chaos brought by deities fighting, now believe they’re in peace without noticing their imminent extinction.
What are you doing?